Unleashing Talent

#IMMOOC Blog Buddy Blog


Nike has an add that is about unleashing human potential.  We as educators are constantly trying to unleash student potential.  At our Community School we are constantly unleashing community and partnership potential.  By giving students the freedom to critically think and problem solve we are giving the opportunity to unleash, what we don’t even know is “leashed”.  That my friends is exciting!  

A simple question posed to students, “Where would be an optimal place to put a community garden?” The students began thinking of sunlight, water, wind and other various environmental concerns in relation to our garden.  By asking this simple question and stepping aside, allowed the opportunity to unleash potential for students to take on leadership roles; sharing their knowledge of what is the best conditions to grow vegetables, types of soil and even where the sun rises and sets.  


George Couros states, “Should we be a sage on the stage or the guide on the side or the architect of learning?  The answer is that teachers should be all of those.  The art of teaching is figuring out when you should be which one.”   Innovation is about adding value to learning in a way that afford opportunities for creativity and curiosity.  Humans are curious by nature, but somewhere along the way we have developed a way to “do” school.  By providing questions, student voice, choice, modeling authentic passion and experiences we we unleash the talents, the learning.  Sometimes this feels like a big task, but really it is about going with the flow of learning.  

Heidi and Melanie

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